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Help N.M.F to make a Difference
With Your Gift
We rely on generous cash donations to assist in our charity program. Any cash donations you send will be used to provide food, aid and assistance for projects wherever need is most important. We are here to make a difference. We make it our duty to take your contributions seriously. We’re proud that 100% of our total expenses are spent in our charity program.
Every Penny Goes a Long Way !
£0 of £25,000 raised
Nicky’s Mission Foundation (NMF) is a Registered Nonprofit organization. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution. If you have any questions about viewing your giving history, please feel free to contact us at
Our Expenses Summary
How We Help
- Nearly 100+ families receive food from us every month.
- We provide financial aid to families affected by covid.
- We are providing medical care to less previliged & old age people.
- We partner With foreign non profits to fund the creation of medical clinicals in countries where medical treatment is not available